Rambam on cure for melancholy

Shomoneh Perakim – The Rambams introduction to the Tractave of Avot, Chapter 5 [pg 35 of the Moznaim English Addition of the Mishne Torah by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger]

"Similarly, if a person is overcome by melancholy, he should endeavor to purge himself of it by listening to songs and music, strolling through gardens and magnificent buildings, and frequenting attractive works of art [4]. (In these activities,) his internet should (not be for pleasure per se, but rather) be for his physical health. And the purpose of attaining physical health is to attain knowledge."

What is more intriguing is the footnote at the bottom of the page:

[4] Although the traditional interpretation of the Rambam’s works is as above, based on Hilchot Teshuva 8:6, it is possible to render the phrase “associating with attractive woman”

I am not quite sure what to make of this suggestion. See here (http://dafyomi.shemayisrael.co.il/yoma/halachah/yo-hl-029.htm) for further discussion of the Rambam’s opinion with regard to these issues.

Below is the Hebrew and English Translation of the relevant Rambam. I have underlined what I persume R’ Touger is refering to. However I do not have the Hebrew version of Shomoneh Perakim. (If somone can send it to me and show where in the Hebrew R’Touger gets this possible interpretation, I would be most appreciative)

Hilchot Teshuva 8:6

6) Do not under-rate this goodness by reckoning that the reward for mitzvot is not that one will be perfect on the way of truth, but that one will eat and drink good foods, involve oneself in coition with people of outstanding appearance, dress in purple embroidered clothes, live in a tent of ivory and use vessels of gold and silver, and have similar things, in the way that the stupid and adulterous Arabs occupy themselves. The Sages said that those who possess knowledge know that all these things are just rubbish and nonsense, and are useless. We have no goodness better than this in this world, for we have physical bodies. All these things are bodily requisites, and the soul desires and wants them only for the sake of the body so that the body’s wants will be met and will continue to exist. When there is no body, all these things become as nothing. The great goodness which the soul experiences in the World To Come is beyond any means of comprehension in this world. In this world we know only the physical pleasures to which we are tied, but that goodness [in the World To Come] is exceedingly good, and has no rating when compared to the pleasures of this world, except figuratively. In the way of truth, however, which continues physical pleasures into the World To Come for the soul by way of food and drink is not so, but that goodness is beyond investigation, and has no limit or comparison. David said, "How great is Your goodness which you have laid up for those who fear You; which You have performed for those who trust in You in the sight of the sons of men!".


Hilchot Teshuva 8:6 (Hebrew):

Definition of Melancholy:

1 a : an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and characterized by irascibility or depression
2 a : depression of spirits : DEJECTION b : a pensive mood    

I persume the Rambam as a doctor held of the first definition

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