Chok L’Yisrael

There are many different  learning cyclces that are out there whether Amud Yomi, Daf Yomi, Mishna Yomi, Rambam Yomi, etc. Which program is appropriate for you really depends on what you hope to achieve and how much time you have available. For myself, personally, I prefer breadth over depth, bekiut over biyun. For that reason I have to recommend the Chok L’Yisrael learning program for anyone who wish to achieve mastery over large portions of Torah.

What is Chok L’Yisrael?

Chok L’Yisrael is a daily learning program, with the core text being the parsha of the week along with the commentary of Rashi. The daily portion of Rashi is not structured according to aliyot, but according to a number of pesukim which varies each day. The number of pesukim learnt based on a kabbalistic number system which I do not have direct knowledge of. This is followed by a portion of Neviim, Ketuvim, A perek of Mishna, A sugya in Shas, Zohar (for those on the level), halacha (from Shulchan Aruch or Rambam’s Mishne Torah), and some mussar (taken from various seforim and ethical treatises). The accompaning sections of Torah are intented to be relavant to the portion of Chumash Rashi.

One response to “Chok L’Yisrael

  1. As you say, there is a formula for the number of verses of Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim each day, and a Mishnah chapter. What do you do when there is a double parashah that week?

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