A spark of light in the darkness

Why does it take a tragedy to see such achdus? 

Belzer Rebbe visits victoms in hospital 

Satmar Rebbe (Reb Aaron): Yeshiva Massacre, Sad Era for Klal Yisroel

* Update – Even though people will disagree with the following extract, I feel it shows a degree of compassion that until know has not been publicised and should be acknowledged." *

Neturei Karta Sends Pointed Condolences


Members of the extreme anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect wrote letters of condolences to the families of the victims.  Though the letter ends with the traditional consolation, 'May G-d comfort you among the mourners for Zion and Jerusalem,' it mainly uses the murders to justify Neturei Karta's anti-Zionist approach:

"Day and night over these past decades we have been pained and trying to prevent these terrible incidents in the camp of the Hebrews, because ever since the dispute and warring with the non-Jews began here in the Holy Land, they have been trying to avenge themselves with fury and wrath, and Jewish blood has been spilt like water all this time…  Perhaps at such a bitter time as this, the time has come to take stock and to say to the Angel of Death, 'Stop!'  Perhaps we have all been mistaken, perhaps we must recognize that our forefathers were correct during the 2,000 years of Exile in acting with the Gentiles by seeking only peace, mercy, and appeasement, and maybe we will then merit to have G-d sweeten our decree and prevent terrible calamities in the future among our brothers, the entire House of Israel.

"We well know that by our perpetual acts of seeking peace and submission to the Gentiles, we have been suspected by many among the House of Israel as having aided those who murder [us], Heaven forbid – but what can we do that we are commanded by the Torah to look ahead; in order to prevent terrible things and to save the nation, we are marching in 'the path of Exile'… We wish you from the depths of our heart [Divine consolation] and may G-d strengthen your shattered hearts and may you know no more pain."



See here for what appears to be the orginal source document)

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