R’Amnon Yitzchak vs Neturei Karta

Fascinating discussion, it is not often you get to see dialogue like this. I have personally met the Neturei Karta activists in Monsey, and the truth is they really believe that they are doing the Ratzon Hashem for Klal Yisroel. Perhaps as a lmud zchut, the argument could be made that there is a logic to their position and that they help dispel hatred. I do have sympathy and respect for their intent…

HOWEVER, reality is, as R Amnon Yitzchak says, their logic is flawed, unsupported by 99.99% of the nation or the rabbinic elite, this war has nothing to do with Zionism, it is a war of race/religion, politics are really a feeble excuse. Although truth does not necessarily lie with numbers, a person should really start having doubts if there are only 10 other people in your community who are backing you. Our religion/nation does not take as normative, lone individuals taking life/death situations into their own hands, no matter how well intentioned.The sooner people start realising this, the sooner we will be on the way to hopefully reaching a state of peace and tranquillity.

One response to “R’Amnon Yitzchak vs Neturei Karta

  1. Wow! Yashar Koach Gadol for putting up this video.
    Very important!

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